Bedrock Solutions
solid business infrastructures

Five Key Reasons for Reviewing your Health and Safety Policy

Five Key Reasons for Reviewing your Health and Safety Policy


So, your company has a Health and Safety Policy. Have you looked at it recently? Does it align with how your company operates in the health and safety space? Well, let's start with what your policy is. Put simply, a health and safety policy is a written statement of your organisation’s intent to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its workers, contractors, and other stakeholders. It should specify your company’s approach in three critical areas – leadership, risk management, and employee engagement. To ensure your policy remains effective it should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.


Here are our five top reasons for reviewing your policy:

  1. Changes in legislation and/or guidance
  2. Enforcement action has been taken by the regulator
  3. A sufficient period has elapsed since the previous review
  4. Significant organisational changes have taken place       
  5. There have been changes following consultation with employees


While you are reviewing your policy, check that the statements in the policy are easily understood and can be easily communicated to the workforce. Involvement of the senior management including the board is important as is sufficient resources being available for the implementation of the policy. And when should you update your policy? Only when you need to!


If you would like to know more about how we can help you streamline your operational health and safety processes do not hesitate to reach out.


Click here to contact us.

Date Posted: 17 August 2022