Bedrock Solutions
solid business infrastructures

Do you need a license to do audits and investigations in the area of health and safety?

The Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority (PSPLA) has been looking into whether their laws require external auditors and investigators of health and safety to be licensed. The Authority agreed that there were parts of health and safety investigators’ jobs . …..

Avoiding Time Confetti to Dial Up your Wellbeing Efforts

When you are busy juggling multiple demands at work, there is often no time to look after yourself. Here are six tips, to help you, courtesy of Wellbeing Specialist, Lauren Parsons. …..

Five Key Reasons for Reviewing your Health and Safety Policy

So, your company has a Health and Safety Policy. Have you looked at it recently? Does it align with how your company operates in the health and safety space? Well, lets start with what your …..

Why officers shouldn’t bury their head in the sand when it comes to health and safety

WorkSafe’s approach is now the enforcement of due diligence. In the past year, several officers have been prosecuted for breaches of the Act. In October 2021, at sentencing, the District Court warned directors (or people in similar positions of responsibility) that they can no longer expect that the consequences of decisions they make or do not make …..

How to Review your Health & Safety System using Four Easy Elements

The review process is a critical component of every system, much like planning, delivering, and monitoring, yet it’s surprising how often companies don’t analyse whether their systems are fit for purpose and represent…..

The Happiness Advantage

Now this is a departure from my usual health and safety related topic, however I happened to read a blog by Charlotte Grysolle who mentioned Shawn Achor’s work on neuroplasticity. This is the idea that we can rewire and change our brain…..

Learning Teams in practice

Leading on from our last post on Learning Teams, I thought I would share how I have recently used part of this process.
One of our clients asked for our help in developing a traffic management plan in addition to conducting machinery safety risk assessments for their high-risk site….

Learning Teams – the new kids on the health and safety block!

You may have heard or read about learning teams. So, what are they? Learning teams is a facilitated means of engaging with workers to understand and then learn from the opportunities that are presented by everyday successful and safe work as well as learning from events or incidents. So basically learning when things have gone well or when things have gone wrong….

The Basics of Incident Investigations

The main objective of any investigation is to prevent recurrence, reduce risk and advance health, safety, and environmental performance. It is not the purpose of this activity to apportion blame or liability. It is most important that all members of the investigation team understand this fully. ….

Is Training Really the Answer?

To evaluate if training is necessary, we need to answer two fundamental questions. Firstly, what is the goal and secondly what do people need to do to reach that goal….